The Problems with Opposing Roe Vs Wade

Before I begin this post, I want to state that I believe that life begins at conception. As the father of two children, I can say that a lot of the child’s personality is already formed in the womb, and you can hear a heart beat at very early stages of a woman’s pregnancy. Despite all of that, I have decided that it is a waste of time to decide the governance of our country based on this issue. My opinion has nothing to do with a woman’s right to choose. After all I am not a woman. I do believe that if terminating a pregnancy is illegal, there would be less of them. But again, I am don’t think there should be an effort to make it illegal. Here is my reasoning.

First there is the reason that it may just not be possible in the USA to overturn Rowe versus Wade. Just because we disagree with a law does not mean it should be overturned. There are lots and lots of American laws that effect me more directly than Rowe vs Wade. But I don’t spend any time trying to over turn those laws either. I hear from my ultra conservative plan is that we should elect conservative politicians and then they will elect conservative justices and then somehow there will be a critical mass of conservatism and Rowe vs Wade will be overturned. It has been 40 years since Rowe vs Wade and nothing close to this has happened and I bet it never will.

So that’s reason #1, but there is a far more overpowering reason to give up this odyssey. If we just open our eyes around us. All of our lives are based on the fact that life begins at birth not at conception. If you look at your driver’s license and your passport, one of the most important pieces of information is your birth date. Our entire system throughout the entire world is based on the birth date and not the conception date. Most births happen in hospitals and therefore it is fairly easy for a state to monitor most births and children not born in hospitals are required to register the birth or that child really doesn’t even exist. If you think about it, before a child is born, in our reality here on planet earth, that child does not really exist.

Think, think, think of how everything in this world is centered around your birth day. We count our age based on our birthday not the conception day and it just goes on and on based on that. Furthermore, how is it practical to have women register that they are pregnant? How do we know if the woman had a miscarriage or an illegal abortion? Should there be an investigation?

In conclusion. I think that on a moral basis, I agree with abortion being a bad thing but as one gets into the details of making it happen, it just does not add up. It is not practical and honestly our country has far larger problems to face. I think that the Republican party should drop this issue and focus on more important issues that will help it put this country back on track.