High School Yearbook Pictures

I found a couple of very cool pictures in FaceBook when I was cruising around. One of my old high school friends posted photos from our graduating class yearbook of 1977. The first photo is our Math Team. Believe it or not, we were a team of 5 and we would travel to other schools each week and compete in little mini math tournaments. They would hand out math questions, and we would have 5 minutes to answer the question. We were the best team in the county!

Here is the photo of our Math Team

The next photo is the National Honor Society, which represents the top students in our grade. I graduated from a huge class that had well over 1000 students. I graduated 5th. You can see me in the back row. At the time, I still don’t think that I weighed over 100 pounds. Here is the photo of the
National Honor Society