On The Move

Well, what did I do this month? Quite a bit actually. Spent a little more time in Myrtle Beach and I hit the road again. First, I went back to Irvine to meet with quite a few people on various business ventures, and of course, my new love of my life, my new company. I ran down to Gateway in San Diego, to discuss the new company with Ted and a few other folks down there. Next, I hit Los Angeles, where the University of Southern California, had just opened a new Eastern Asian Studies library, where my grandfather had contributed thousands of books, and quite a few works of art. My grandmother was quite pleased to talk to all the press about this. My brother, Dave, and his family, also were visiting LA that weekend. After that, to Las Vegas, where I won another $6000. My luck is just amazing lately! Lastly, I went to Michigan to visit Rick Snyder, ex president of Gateway, and also my former boss. He is running a technology venture capital firm in Ann Arbor. Pretty cool stuff.

I’ve also updated quite a few of the sections this month. The books section has been updated with my readings for the month of March. Also, the links section has been updated with some new places that I frequent. And lastly, I’ve been experimenting with sound, so a couple of my new songs that I’ve written can be seen and heard here.