Terzetto Slide Show

I might as well make it official. My favorite restaurant in the whole world is Terzetto. Here are the reason’s that I love Terzetto. They have a huge menu. I go often, and often like to try out different things. Each time I try something new, it turns out just as good as many of my old time favorites. They are very accommodating. Any change to a dish, and they will make it special order. Solange when she was pregnant, would invent special dishes while we drove there. Then she would describe it and they would cook it. It is simply fantastic.

When we returned to Rio, several of our friends were in town (Art Martinez, Scott Kay, Brian Wilcox, and Thomas Shang). So we threw a great dinner party. Art is quite the photo buff so he took a bunch of photos of the event, and now I’ve made a slide show of it. I’ve also added a new technology so that the photos pull out of the database and include all the people in the photo. Enjoy.