Rob Cheng's Blog
The World’s Greatest Husband

Here’s one of the funniest emails I have received in a long time. It is an extremely funny photo series of contenders for the world’s greatest husband contest. Each photo is a look at a contender from a different country. The contending countries are Greece, Ireland, Poland, Serbia, the UK, and the USA. I hope you laugh as much as I did. I actually wonder whether all of these photos are real. Enjoy!

Playground in Recreio

Last Sunday, Solange, Teddy, Jesse and I made the drive to Recreio to visit our friends Katia and Jason Elliott. Recreio is night and day different than the hustle and bustle of Rio and Lagoa. We went to a churrascaria close to their house that also had a small playground for children. The food was great and the kids had a great time playing together. I took a ton of photos with my new camera, mainly of the kids.

Investing in Brazil

The Fed announced two months ago that they would drop America’s key interest rate to .25% giving America the unique distinction of having the lowest interest rates in the world. In addition, although Congress is still wrangling, they will soon pass one of the largest spending bills in the history of the nation, wrapped up in a bow and called economic stimulus. Although, it sure smells like pork. These two events have one key thing in common – printing more money. In fact, the United States will begin printing money at an unprecedented rate, not just in the history of our nation, in the history of the world.

Ultimately, I believe these policies will fail. Furthermore, their policies are designed to promote consumption and penalize savings. I refuse to fall into this trap. I believe that saving money is always prudent, and in these economic times, even more so. There in lies the dilemma. If I want to save money, where should I do that? Read More

Transparent Butterflies

It comes from Central America and is found from Mexico to Panama. It is quite common in its zone, but it not easy to find because of its transparent wings, which is a natural camouflage mechanism.

A butterfly with transparent wings is rare and beautiful. As delicate as finely blown glass, the presence of this rare tropical gem is used by rain forest ecologists as an indication of high habitat quality and its demise alerts them of ecological change. Rivaling the refined beauty of a stained glass window, the translucent wings of the Glasswing butterfly shimmer in the sunlight like polished panes of turquoise, orange, green, and red. All things beautiful do not have to be full of color to be noticed: in life that which is unnoticed has the most power.

Striped Iceburgs

I am creating a new section of the web site related to slide shows. I receive quite a few emails with lots of cool, funny and sometimes inspiring photos. The problem is that email is not the best way to look at a series of photos. Basically you spend more time scrolling than enjoying the photos. Therefore, I decided to put these photos into a slide show which makes them stand out a lot more. The first one is called striped iceburgs.

Icebergs in the Antarctic area sometimes have stripes, formed by layers of snow that react to different conditions. Blue stripes are often created when a crevice in the ice sheet fills up with meltwater and freezes so quickly that no bubbles form. When an iceberg falls into the sea, a layer of salty seawater can freeze to the underside. If this is rich in algae, it can form a Green stripe. Brown, black and yellow lines are caused by sediment, picked up when the ice sheet grinds downhill towards the sea.