Rob Cheng's Blog
The Problem With America

Ever since the great economic crisis of 2008, I have read over 20 books on this topic to figure out what’s the matter with our country. I think that I finally figured it out. The problem is that it’s not easy to explain, but let me give it a try.

Let’s say, I am at McDonalds and I want to buy a Big Mac for $3.00. I look in my pocket and I discover that I have no money. Damnit, because I am hungry and I really wanted a Big Mac. All of sudden, I look in my shoe and there magically is 3 one dollar bills. Now I can pay for the Big Mac, but I don’t give the money to McDonalds. There is a guy also standing in line, and I give him the money. He then loans me back the $3, and I now have my Big Mac. The problem is that I now owe this guy $3, plus any interest due until I pay back all $3. Read More